7Seeds - Season 1 Teaser Trailer - Song(s) / Music Information

Music Note I: The mentioned teaser / trailer / tv-spot / promo can contain additional music.

Music Note II: The regarding teaser / trailer / tv-spot / promo may use a(n) modified / enhanced / remastered version of the mentioned music. It's also possible that (additionally) an instrumental version of the music is used here.

Tracks featured here:

- The teaser apparently features the opening theme of the show called 'Ark', performed by Amatsuki, and the ending theme called 'WISH', performed by majiko.

Credits: Crunchyroll, Animenewsnetwork 1, Animenewsnetwork 2, @7SEEDS_anime, 7seedsjp, @_amatsuki, @amatsuki_info, @majakoja, _majiko_, Wikipedia (Subsequent Addition)

Teaser-Link: https://youtu.be/uGPF79Xl6XQ

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